Thursday, July 5, 2012

You don't need a voice

In order to do a 70.3 Ironman, right? Tuesday night I started to get that tickle in my throat. You know the one, "oh shit, I'm going to get sick." That's what happened. Wednesday I had a clear nose but my throat was sore and my chest was congested.

I've been taking medicine hoping that it's some how allergies related. Although now, I hardly have a voice. You don't need a voice in order to race, do you?

The congestion seems to be breaking up, so I'm hopeful by Saturday morning I'll be ready to race in this whoturnedonthefuckingoven heat. Tomorrow's the last day I can take medicine as I shouldn't take it race day, so I hope to kick this asshat outta my chest soon.

1 comment:

  1. I think I was (tick-in-the-throat) sick for every major swim meet I ever had. I think it's good luck! Speaking of which...GOOD LUCK! I've really been enjoying following your journey.
