Sunday, July 1, 2012

Who do you inspire?

I bet not many of us think about who we inspire by our words and actions. Until I started this journey, I certainly never thought of myself as someone who sparks inspiration in another person. But I can guarantee you inspire someone. You may never know it, but I bet you do. Whether you're someone who has strong work ethic, someone that can speak your mind (or bite your tongue!), someone that gives time, talent and treasure to others in need. Maybe you're someone facing your fears, someone being who you are despite what others thinks, or a great parent, friend or listener.  Or perhaps you're creative, crafty or athletic. There's always a quality in you that will inspire someone else.

Many friends shared my first blog post with their entire Facebook network. I was certainly flattered, and quite honestly, a little embarrassed. Now strangers all over were going to be reading about my wetsuit sweats and calling myself fat publicly for the first time. One reader, started stranger and turned friend, contacted me asking if she could interview me for a blog post for Lululemon Athletica. This request was sparked because I inspire her. I was floored. A champion swimmer, amazing yogi (is that right term? It's kinda one of those hard ones like when do you use alum vs. alumni.. head spinning stuff), and pro triathlete thinks I'M inspiring?! How could that even be possible?

We met, had an amazing chat and discovered more connections between us than I would guessed. The story published was lovely and was definitely a highlight to my training thus far.

I've had several people tell me their stories that sparked with me as the source of inspiration. I'm so grateful that people share this. I have been inspired by this and have started telling people when they inspire me. I'm not sure why I was afraid to before; it's a huge compliment to them, no one will ever think you are dumb for saying that you're inspired. 

It doesn't have to be a great feat. Just every day people living their life to the fullest. Don't forget, that even when you're not at your best, you still inspire someone, somewhere.


I'm six days out from Muncie 70.3 and I am so excited! I am feeling incredibly strong; both body and spirit. I went on a great ride with one of my biking mentors and she commented on the visible improvement since our last ride. That is a huge boost of encouragement. I'm so excited for my parents and friends to come into town for my race! I'm so grateful that my family and friends are willing to commit a huge chunk of their Saturday in the skin-melting heat.

I got a new pair of glasses last week that I think will be awesome, they even have air vent holes in the lenses. Right before Eagle Creek my glasses broke, so I bought a new pair. I put them on and they immediately fogged up (you get what you pay for) and so I tucked them into my jersey and they nestled tightly into my cleavage. Around mile 7 they popped right out, slippery little fuckers. I was going to try to be cool and wear an old pair of aviators, but they slip off my face too much and are just annoying; like that case of crabs that just won't go away (right Timpe?!).

Eagle Creek was a good and bad race. Bad in that I thought with all this training I was going to come out and kill the course and post a HUGE PR over last year. I didn't, turns out less than 10 minutes. I was really bummed about that. BUT the good outweigh the bad. I remember last year, I didn't know ANYONE. I stood in the athlete's meeting embarrassed to be the biggest girl out there in my skin tight tri gear and had no one to talk to. This year, still the same chubster as last year, I stood proud in a sea of blue with my teammates. I chatted with people from other teams, people I know from my bike club, BOMF, volunteering and swim clinics. What a world of difference a year makes. You are constantly passing people that you know. Everyone cheers for each other. Everyone encourages you and you encourage them. The downside to this? When you're not pushing yourself as hard as you should be, there's people now there to call you on your shit. Because they know you can push harder.

"Come on Chrissy, run, I know you can" Well fuck, you're right. It's a good thing, you only get better when you train with people better than you.

I will probably be puking sunshine and rainbows all over Facebook this week. But I need to make sure my head is filled with the "you are going to do it" voice and not the "you fucking can't do it" voice that made the ugly appearance in June. Because I can do it and I just need to keep reminding myself.

1 comment:

  1. First you tell me herpes doesn't go away, and now you tell me that crabs doesn't either??? Dammit!!!
